How Much Does a Hair Transplant Cost? Your Complete Treatment Calculator

Hair transplants have the highest success rate for hair growth. When so many products advertise false promises to increase hair volume, it’s important to go with the most promising procedure. A hair transplant will get you closer to feeling confident with a full head of hair.

Quality hair transplants can save you from damaging your scalp with other ineffective products. But how much does a hair transplant cost? Use this guide to calculate the cost of a complete hair transplant treatment.

Hair Transplant Cost

The average cost of hair transplant surgery is $4,000 to $15,000. This range is so broad because there are several factors that affect the cost. This includes the skills and experience of the surgeon and the type of treatment.

The amount of hair you want will also affect the cost. The location of your procedure can also be more expensive. It’s important to understand the following costs since most insurance plans don’t cover hair transplants.


Your location can often be overlooked when determining the costs of hair transplants. The cost of living and the number of surgeons in your area will alter the demand, and thus the price of surgery.

Type of Transplant Treatment

Do you want follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or a follicular unit extraction (FUE)? FUE is newer and often more expensive since follicles are harvested individually for a natural look. The FUT may be a good option if you want a longer haircut with slightly cheaper costs.

Surgeon Experience

The amount of experience and skills of your surgeon can affect the hair transplant cost. Popular surgeons are typically more expensive due to demand. It’s crucial to research any potential surgeons and reviews from patients.

How Much Hair Your Transplanting

You can expect the cost of hair transplant surgery to be higher if you want more hair. Covering your entire scalp will be more expensive than adding patches of hair in certain areas.

Travel Cost

If you’re set on a certain surgeon that’s not local, you should factor in travel costs. You may also reside in an area that doesn’t have a hair transplant surgeon nearby. You can easily calculate travel costs by determining the mileage to the surgeon, gas costs, and public transit costs.

Recovery Cost

There are several types of hair transplant recovery costs to account for. Every patient is different, but you should be prepared for the following costs post-procedure:

  • Antibiotics so that you avoid infection
  • Pain medication for the immediate recovery process
  • Anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling on the surgical site
  • Time off work to recover

There is also a small risk of further complications and reactions to the surgery. Although it can be rare, it doesn’t hurt to set aside additional funds to cover extra follow-up doctor visits.

Start Your Hair Transplant Journey

While a hair transplant does come with a cost, it can be worth it if more hair will make you feel happier. It’s wise to invest in a well-reviewed surgeon, and it’s important to understand that costs can vary. Once you can calculate a hair transplant cost range, you’ll be more prepared and ready for a new head of hair.

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