The economics of education in China

A revolution revolution is wide through China. New students are putting an extraordinary rate in secondary schools and universities. China’s economic growth results will be very high, and mostly positive.

Increasing school education shows not only a large supply of schools provided by the State, but also the strongest needs of families for education. This demand proves that the economic value of schools in the country has increased rapidly.

At the end of the 1980s, the financial return on the basic education for Chinese families – that is, the average increase in expected annual income for each additional year of school – just half the average rate for developing countries is about 4 percent Was it

According to Xinhua, the figure was more than two percent in 1999 in the Beijing Center’s China Center for Economic Research. The benefits of higher education were very high. The return of technical school education increased from 29 to 51%, whereas the return rate for college education was 38 to 72%. The only level of schools whose returns did not increase was Junior High School.

This success was achieved with a huge increase in school registration, resulting in a defender of work, which resulted in better education until the end of 1990, ten years ago. During a decade, Ms. Xu found, the proportion of the people working with college education doubled, while proportion was only with primary school education or at least two-thirds fall.

In the past few years, it’s faster in schools. Between 1995 and 2003, participation in senior high schools reached 51 million to 132 million. The annual number of graduates of over 2000 universities has increased from 1.9 million, over 18 percent in the last five years. This will double up to 3.8 million in the next four years.

The effect of all education on China’s workforce will be deeper. Due to lack of workers starting from modern factories in South China Pearl River Delta, there may be an important element of educational trends. These companies trust the junior high school graduates, and most of them do not raise their wages in a decade.

As stated above, Junior High School was the only unit of education which did not make a rising return in the 1990s. Of course, whereas the students continue to be banned as a senior high school. The junior high school graduate, who entered senior high schools increased from 40 to 50% in 1990 and increased by 60 percent in 2003. With high level education, reducing the likelihood of people entering the factory’s work will be a pick-up picker for the terms of acceptance from factory workers.

Another important fact about China’s educational system is that access to the university is based on the national examination system. Although it does not matter completely, this system provides an opportunity to students of at least poor families.

This relative equality of educational opportunities is one of the most important differences between China and other developing nations, which is with the high level of income instability, especially India and Latin American nations. These countries have generally stabilized the education system in which goods feed at universities through private private schools. Unfortunately people have to do with the sick fund public schools that do not provide high education. In this society, the result of which is inadequate income and is limited to the extent of social movement.

Contrary to China, there is also high non-equality and relatively more social movements, due to the broader access to standard education and central university examination systems. Maintaining this movement will be a major challenge for the coming decades. But China has started a good start.

China has been an independent newsletter dedicated to analyzing the Chinese economy and business environment since the 1997 economic quarter. It is based on 25 years of joint editors of joint editors, Joint Financial Journalists, who are Stroil (China’s author) and Arter Corro, the editors’ experience. And also publish articles from the economies and journalists in China. This column exclusively appears on on the optional afternoon.

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