Why is Your Roof Leaking?

Roof leaks can begin gradually in one section of your home. You may be sitting comfortably in your home assuming that your roof is perfectly fine because a leak hasn’t shown up anywhere in your home. Homes today are built with proper insulation in the attic. It will take a while or a pretty bad leak before it shows up on your ceiling. The best you can do is to look out for signs of a roof leak and get the necessary roof repair in Oakville immediately.


Older roofs are more likely to leak than new ones. This is especially a possibility if the roof hasn’t been well maintained over the years. The shingles are more likely to be dislodged because they don’t adhere to each other as strongly as they used to. The nails can pop out with time paving way for water to find its way in between the shingles.

Flaws in installation

Poorly installed roofing could start leaking even when it’s still new. Some installers are inexperienced, incompetent or simply do not care about the roofing work they are entrusted to handle. One common mistake that installers make is failing to seal all exposed nails and finishing seams.

Extreme weather

Shingles wear out faster in areas with extreme weather. You’ll notice the shingles on the south and west side of the roof looking more worn out than the rest. This is due to the sun. Freezing and thawing cycles can also take a toll on your roofing shingles. When the shingles are worn out, roof leaks are no surprise.

Wrong vents used

Sometimes roof leaks occur because the installers didn’t use the right vents. Bathroom vents and roof vents are the most commonly used in roofing systems. Some installers will use roof vents instead of bathroom vents to direct airflow outside the home from the bathroom fan. This causes condensation to form on the roof deck and could attack the wood causing rot and mould growth. The right vents must be used on the roofing to serve their rightful purpose.

Blown off shingles

Sometimes roof leaks occur due to blown off shingles. When the shingles are not properly nailed, the can easily blow off in strong winds. Shingles that don’t have proper self-sealing component are easily dislodged. When these shingles aren’t replaced, they leave an opening, which can cause a roof leak. The area now has exposed wood sheathing that is no longer protected.

Animal damage

Animals like squirrels can be your roof’s worst nightmare. They can attack your roof’s bathroom pipe flashing or the chimney flashing. They can also break shingles or move them out of place creating room for leaks to occur. Regular inspection is key to ensure that your roofing components are properly secured from animal attacks.

Unsealed pipes and vents

Sealing is a very important step in roof installation. Even if you just built a brand new house, it’s always recommended to have the roof inspected so that issues like improperly installed flashing or unsealed pipes and vents can be rectified.