Are You Falling For Common Myths About Emergency Dental Care?

A plethora of people living in California have some misconceptions about emergency dental care, which needs to be addressed because it is a vital aspect of overall health, and such misconceptions do prevent people from getting timely and effective treatment.

Neglecting the importance of dental emergencies can result in severe health complications. People need to comprehend that, much like the other parts of the body, dental care holds great importance, too, and emergency dental care Burlingame intervention is necessary to take care of such situations.

professional dental care

Debunking Some Misconceptions

In this blog, we are going to look at some myths that exist among people that need to be addressed before the problem gets too severe because of constant neglect.

Myth- Dental Pain Will Go Away on Its Own

A pretty dangerous myth is dental pain will resolve without any intervention. Toothaches, particularly those that are severe, rarely go away on their own without treatment.

Such pain is often an indication of some underlying problem, such as infections, cavities, or abscesses, all of which need professional intervention before the problem turns into something much more severe, which can even spread to different parts of the body.

Myth- You Can Wait Until Regular Office Hours

Many people believe that a dental emergency can wait to be addressed until regular office hours, but that will make the problem worse. For example, a knocked-out tooth can be saved if medical attention is given within 30 minutes.

Similarly, severe abscesses and infections can quickly worsen, resulting in more complicated and costly treatments. Emergency dental care is there to handle urgent cases, which makes sure that better outcomes are attained and further complications are minimized.

Myth- Emergency Dental Care is Too Expensive

It is valid to some extent that emergency dental care is a little costly. Still, the complications that could potentially arise because of ignoring such conditions will result in even higher costs, and the treatment time will increase, too.

Untreated dental problems often result in much more severe health complications. In addition to that, numerous dental practices let patients opt for finance options or payment plans to help with cost management.

Myth- All Dental Problems Can Wait

Some dental problems would not look urgent but can quickly turn into emergencies if ignored. For example, sensitivity or some minor toothache could be a hint towards a developing infection or cavities that could potentially escalate without urgent treatment or care.

Similarly, chipped or cracked teeth could seem like merely a cosmetic problem but can result in a more significant infection or damage when left untreated. Comprehending that even minor issues can result in severe complications is vital to maintaining dental health.

Myth- Home Remedies Are Effective

Home remedies are merely a temporary solution and do not act as a substitute for professional dental care. Using something like clove oil, OTC painkillers, or salt water rinses can eliminate the symptoms temporarily but do not address the underlying problem.

Over-reliance on such remedies can delay proper treatment, which will worsen the conditions. Merely a licensed dentist can properly diagnose and treat dental emergencies.

Myth- Dentists Merely Work on Teeth

Although the primary focus of dentists is indeed teeth, dentists are trained to manage problems that can have an impact on overall health. Numerous problems fall under dental emergencies that can affect other parts of the body. Dentists are equipped to handle such cases and coordinate with other healthcare providers if needed.


There are a plethora of myths revolving around emergency dental care, but such myths must be ignored to make sure dental health remains good. For that, proper treatment and check-ups need to be carried out by a professional dentist who possesses the appropriate knowledge and experience.