Can Drug Sniffing Dogs Smell CBD Oil?


14% of Americans are currently using CBD products. Are you one of them?

If so, you’ve probably wondered about where it’s legal to carry your natural medicine – and how detectable it really is. Will it be easily identified by professionals like police officers and airport security? And, can drug sniffing dogs smell CBD oil?

You’ve got questions and we have the answers. Read on for all that you need to know when it comes to safely transporting and carrying CBD, worry-free.

Can Drug Sniffing Dogs Smell CBD Oil?

To answer this question properly, you’ll first need to understand how drug detecting dogs are trained.

As puppies, each chosen canine spends countless hours learning to identify specific smells. Then, when they encounter them later on in the field, they are able to identify them with surprising accuracy. Nowadays, cbd is used as medicine purpose even for dogs, so the dog won’t identify cbd as a new smell as it’s used to cbd for dogs products.

Follow this link for more info concerning the drug dog training process, where they work, and how they detect specific substances.

When it comes to cannabis products, specific chemical compounds called terpenes are detectable by drug sniffing dogs. This is the part of the plant that gives it the distinct smell that most people associate with marijuana use.

With that in mind – can CBD be detected by a drug sniffing dog?

Yes. But not always.

Terpene Free CBD

Some CBD products contain terpenes, while others do not. For example, any product labeled as “full-spectrum” will. On the other hand, products made from industrial hemp or labeled as having less than 3% THC most likely will not.

Additionally, CBD oil is probably easier for a drug detecting dog to locate than a pressed tablet, dietary supplement, or edible product that contains the same substance.

How Accurate Are Drug Sniffing Dogs?

In a word, highly.

Rather than trying to fool these incredibly intelligent and well-trained animals, your best bet is to follow all laws and regulations – and only carry CBD oil or similar products where they are allowed. If your product contains a notable amount of THC, the chances are good that it won’t go unnoticed.

While all cannabis products should be tested for potency in a third-party laboratory, you can’t always trust packaging or labels. A printing or testing error could leave you on the wrong side of the law – a scary situation that could add up to more than just an inconvenience!

So, when it comes to dogs and CBD, your best bet is to not take any chances.

Safe and Legal CBD

So, can drug sniffing dogs smell CBD oil? The final answer is – maybe.

For a lower chance of detection, opt for CBD products that contain less than 3% THC or are made from industrial hemp. These are highly unlikely to contain enough terpenes for drug sniffing dogs to notice them.

Keep in mind that while CBD is legal in all 50 states, the same rules do not apply to THC. So, CBD oil with more than 3% could attract unwanted attention – and get you in trouble with the law.

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