Has someone acted in a sexually harassing manner towards you at work? Harassment can take different forms. The harasser might suggest or ask inappropriately for sexual favors. Or, they might make offensive comments about your body or appearance. It could ...
Are you starting to feel an itch to jump into the fray and capitalize on the recent COVID-19 worries? After all, big profits await the brave and the bold, right? Not so fast! Standing on a chair and shouting about ...
Are you a small business owner? If so, then you’re constantly thinking of how you can sweeten your client relationships. Most companies will send out paper cards to their client base each year. But that doesn’t mean that this is ...
You live a normal day-to-day life until one day, things take a turn for the worse. You may have been in a car accident, or you’ve been diagnosed with a serious illness. Or maybe it’s something else entirely. When you’re ...
Are you a railroad worker? If so, congratulations on all your hard work! From electricians to freight train engineers, railroad jobs are some of the most essential and sought-after in the entire country. You put your heart and soul into ...
Heating your home can be an expensive prospect that forces many homeowners to choose between comfort and economy. For this reason, people devote a great deal of time and resources to trying to find more energy-efficient ways to heat their ...
Happy employees are 12% more productive than the rest. Employee satisfaction is a good thing for two key reasons. The first reason is that happy employees work hard. Suppose a company is able to keep its employees happy. They’ll work ...
Does the idea of working for yourself make you giddy? Working for a boss and managing deadlines can be stressful and a pain to manage. Some jobs are so stressful that many professionals need to seek out outside help with ...
Did you know that there are nearly 214,000 work-related injuries annually in the USA? If you run a warehouse or work in one, you must pay attention to safety procedures. Otherwise, injuries and accidents are going to happen and might kill someone. ...
Your construction site appears to be adequately sweeping up dust and debris. Is that true? Many site managers want to know that the employees working on the site are safe. Construction sites are known for fatalities due to incorrect equipment ...