How to Play Craps at the Casino


Whether you’re looking to pick up a new game and have fun with buddies or you’re trying to shatter the record for longest turn at the table, playing craps at the casino can prove an entertaining pastime. The problem is all those pesky rules and techniques you’ve got to master.

So how can you skip ahead to the good part and hit the casino floor tonight?

We’re here to help with that through our special guide on how to play craps at the casino. Now, let’s not waste any more time yapping and dive right in!

How to Play Craps at the Casino

The first step to playing casino craps is to get chips to use for your wagers. From there, you approach the table and wait your turn.

To play craps, most casinos will use a boxperson to watch over the entire game and make sure the rules are followed. Three dealers also stand around the craps table. Their job is to handle payouts and shift bets around the board.

Your dice will get passed to you via the stickperson.

First Things First

Let’s kick things off easy with the pass bet. You place your chips on the pass line (the line close to your side of the table).

From there, the first roll (or come out roll) gets tossed. You want the person handling the dice – the shooter – to roll a 7 or 11, as this means an immediate victory for you.

Should the numbers 2, 3, or 12 come up in that first roll, that’s game over. Any other number is treated as the point, or the number the shooter needs to hit.

You want the shooter to roll whatever point number they got on the dice again; if the 7 comes first, you also lose.

If the shooter got to their point number, they get another turn rolling the dice, starting again with the come out roll and new bets. Otherwise, control of the dice passes to the next player.

The Many Types of Bets

You can also place your chips on the “don’t pass” bar above the pass bar, which acts as a pass bet but in reverse. This is without the 12, however: you want the shooter to get a 2 or 3 on the come out roll and hit a 7 before the point after that.

Come bets can occur once a come out bet goes by for the pass players. If the rolls aren’t 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12, your bet transfers to the pass line, and pass rules now apply for future rolls until those conditions get met.

You can also use place bets on specific numbers, which can increase as the game progresses. You win if the shooter rolls your number before they roll a 7; otherwise, you’re toast!

You can also buff your place or come bet after the first roll for either bet passes, known as free odds. While riskier, this increases the amount you win from the house if you pull it off.

If this sounds like a nightmare to remember, don’t worry. Plenty of online casino games exist that let you practice craps in a quieter environment before hitting a real casino.

Becoming the King of Craps

Now that you have all the rules to play craps at the casino, it’s time to get out there, have fun, and win big!

What if you try craps and want to dive deeper, or another casino game catches your eye? If that’s the case, be sure to check out the other articles on our website for more casino gaming tips and tricks!