The Complete Beginner’s Guide to iMovie

You may be hearing a lot of people talk about it but do you know what iMovie is and how it works? iMovie might be Apple’s answer to video editing, but it does so much more for amateurs or movie-making enthusiasts. If you’ve ever spent hours trying to edit a video you’ve taken at a party, a wedding, or an event, you know how hard it can be.

Especially when you want to use the video you have but also want to make it better. Being able to create or make quality videos without expensive professional equipment used to be just wishful thinking. Today it is a reality with some of the most powerful iPhones, iMacs, and tablets offering video editing programs already installed.

There’s no need to find an app to become the director you’ve always wanted to be because iMovie is already waiting for you. Please keep reading if you want to learn more about becoming the director, producer, writer, or actor in the informational guide to iMovie below.

Guide to iMovie

Making a movie may all start with a dream, but if you can find a way to use the iMovie app that’s already on your iMac, iPhone, or tablet, then you can start living your movie-making dream sooner rather than later. The iMovie app technology is already on your iMac equipment. The only thing you need to do is create an iPhone-recorded video and then use the iMovie app to help create and edit your movie creation vision.

There is even an iMovie beginner’s guide so you can access some friendly tips on how to make your movie production into a blockbuster hit. You want to take some logical and sequential steps before officially using the iMovie creation and editing application. It’s a no-brainer, but some people forget to check and make sure they have the iMovie Icon app on their iPhone, iMac, or tablet.

Once you download it or find you already have it, you want to choose one of the libraries offered so that you will store your photos for media files in the iMovie app. All the events can be stored as files on your Mac and all your project files in a past iMovie work folder. It’s at that time you know you’re ready to begin creating your new movie.

iMovie Making on Mac

You may already have your movie making vision in your head, but you need to keep your viewers, and interested parties hooked with your creative vision. Whether it’s for educational purposes or in the movie-making industry, you can do this by keeping them up to date with viable, marketable, and exciting video clips. By showing people your vision, they understand your message.

It’s best to begin by opening up the iMovie app, so you see an adjustable timeline. You want to create a new file and label it as a new creation. Once you reach that step, you can select a movie and hit record.

It’s at this time you’ll begin creating and including video clips into your file folder for a new creative movie. On your timeline, you’ll want to select a file from your libraries in the sidebar. Finally, drag your creative file into the project timeline for storage purposes.

iMovie Video Editing 

If your movie clips are too long or need editing for other reasons, you can select the clip on your project timeline. Then you drag its corners inwards, and when you’re ready to save the shorter cut, you click save. Your video clip will remain shorter unless you want to undo the shorter clip and go back to the original.

iMovie video editing is almost seamless. It allows you to make a title page and cast of participants/characters as if you are looking at the beginning of a theater screen with a movie’s opening credits. The brilliance of iMovie video editing is that you can be elaborate or simple.

It’s up to you how much or how little you want to put into your video editing work effort. The interface software is simple to learn and very user friendly to apply.

Movie Making

The relationship between motion graphics, social media, presence through the words, or creating a movie does more than telling a story. It helps to increase your reputation, your brand, your mission, objective, or creativity profile. There’s nothing as important as finding a way to make quality videos as you begin to integrate video and words into an iMovie/seamlessly

What’s more, you’re able to be a moviemaker using an app that’s already waiting for you to use. This is the movie-making app that allows you to edit your clips on any iMac device from iPhone to Ipads. Its brilliance is that you can continue past the first screen you see in the projects screen to locate your existing projects or option into a new creative project.

While the first step is almost always the hardest with movie-making using the iMovie app, it’s practically a dream coming to life as you move through the stages of putting your videos together into a cohesive and compelling movie.

Your Next Step Towards Award-Winning Movies 

If you’re ready to start creating your movie vision come to life, the guide to iMovie is where you want to start. You can start making your own movies using the simple guide that’s readily available to you. After all, you have the iMovie app already on your iPhone, iPad, or iMac waiting to help put your movie vision together.

The drop-down menus help you name your iMovie projects to add easy consumer usability, and the projects tab enables you to keep track of which movie you want to work on. Your final masterpiece movie then waits until you want to export it to the medium or platform you wish to use when you decide to release it and start changing the world, one iMovie at a time.