Top Tips to Help You Get Onto Your Dream Program

Education is so important. It’s critical for society, for the individual, and for your goals. Just because education is great, however, does not mean you can choose anything and get the dream job you want. You need to be strategic when it comes to what course you apply to and even how you apply. Sometimes part of that strategy is, quite simply, to wait. You can take a foundation degree that will help prepare you for the next stage in your education, or you can jump right into the workforce. Returning to learn is not just an option; it’s recommended for all. With the rise of online education and many new and exciting degree options for campus-based education, there are more opportunities than ever before. 

If you do have a dream program that you want to get on, great! You’re already several steps ahead. All you need to do next is use these tips to help improve your application and your chances of acceptance: 

Have a Clear Understanding of What You Need to Get In 

The best way to get into your dream program is to understand what you need to get in actively. This means more than just what the program page states is their minimum requirement. In most cases, there is a cap on how many students can attend a single program, which means that only the best of the applicants will be accepted. That’s why you’ll want to go to and use their GPA calculator to see how likely you’ll get in with your GPA and SAT scores and what the average is amongst students already attending. 

Go Outside School to Showcase and Develop Your Skills 

Extracurricular activities are a great way to make your average grades stand out. Though any program is a great place to start, focus your efforts on volunteer programs, clubs, and competitions that are related to your field of choice. If you want to get onto a journalism course, for example, then join the school paper, volunteer or intern at a local publication, and enter into writing competitions. These extra activities will help you stand out when you craft your application, but they’ll also help you kickstart your career later by helping you get onto top internship programs and, later, into great entry-level jobs. 

If You Don’t Get Accepted 

If you don’t get accepted, don’t worry! There is always the chance to transfer into courses later. You can try to get relevant internships or work experience in the meantime, or alternatively, you could apply for a program that offers the same base credits for the first year. When you start, immediately get in touch with your course advisor or student advisor to learn about how you can potentially transfer into the program you want later. Many students drop out and switch programs part-way through the first semester, so you could easily switch. Sometimes this may be after a few weeks, months, or even the next year. When a spot opens up, you could transfer to the course you really wanted to do. However, don’t concern yourself too much if you can’t; the course you are currently on will still prove useful.