What Are The Different Warning Signs Of A Stroke?

When you’re dealing with stroke signs, you must act fast. Time is not on your side when someone is exhibiting the common indications that a stroke is imminent. Every second counts and the faster you recognize a problem, the better off you are to minimize the potentially catastrophic damage that can occur.

That can include permanent brain damage, physical disabilities, and even death. Treatment and the time of administration are both critical for ensuring that your loved one is kept safe and remains healthy even after the stroke has subsided.

When you are seeking out Reliable In Home Senior Care, you want to be absolutely sure that your caregiver is able to recognize the warning signs of a stroke so he or she is fully equipped to intervene and protect your elderly loved one from sustaining the most dangerous threats that can come from a stroke.


The FAST acronym has been a trusted barometer that has helped save thousands of lives from the effects of a stroke. These four letters pinpoint the common symptoms associated with the onset of stroke and they can be applied to the condition of an individual who may be exhibiting the signs of stroke that are outlined in the acronym.

FAST stands for Face, Arms, Speech, and Time and if a senior is showing any indications related to these aspects of a person’s condition, then it’s very possible he or she is suffering or about to suffer a stroke. The acronym and the signs of stroke that apply are as follows:


Have the person smile and check to see if one side of their face begins to droop.


Have the person raise their arms and watch to see if one of the arms drops.


Have the person speak and monitor their words for any signs of slurred speech or other unusual sounds.


If the person is exhibiting any of the above signs, call medical emergency services immediately. Remember to take note of the time that the applicable symptoms began to appear.

Administering Treatment

When you call for help, always contact emergency services first. Don’t call a doctor and don’t drive the person suffering a stroke to the hospital yourself. Paramedics are well-equipped to handle the complexities of a stroke and since every minute lost is a minute that puts your senior in greater danger, it’s absolutely essential that you call emergency services at the very first sign of a stroke.

This will reduce their chances of sustaining a serious, permanent injury or dying as a result of their condition. Paramedics know how to treat a stroke victim and they can do so in their ambulance as they are rushing to the emergency room. Putting your elderly loved one in a car without that equipment is only delaying his or her treatment and threatening their life in the process.

There are many different types of strokes, each of which may require different types of treatment including aspirin and other anti-clotting drugs.